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Fairfax (Virginie) : les enseignants se déshabillent pour protester contre les baisses de salaire.  Empty Fairfax (Virginie) : les enseignants se déshabillent pour protester contre les baisses de salaire.

par John Jeu 13 Fév 2014 - 1:31
Teachers at a high school in Fairfax County, Va., are taking what might be called a casual approach to protesting district salary squeezes. Literally, according to a story in the Washington Post:

Instead of oxford shirts paired with neckties or blouses on top of dress slacks, about half of the Woodson faculty have been "dressing down" as part of a demonstration for better pay. The campaign, which members of the Fairfax County school's English department helped organize, is gaining momentum as teachers at other schools are taking notice.

The movement reportedly had its origins in an English Department brainstorming session at the school during which one teacher noted that maintaining her professional attire for the classroom was becoming a strain on her pocketbook. The demonstrators' website adds a more metaphorical flourish, seeking to highlight teachers' ambiguous status as professionals:

We are leaving the business suits in our closets, in a demonstration of the strange duality we are asked to live: all gussied up in the starched demands of professionals, but paid like saints.

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