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Ethiopie : la scolarisation à l'école primaire est passée en 12 ans de 37% à 87%. Empty Ethiopie : la scolarisation à l'école primaire est passée en 12 ans de 37% à 87%.

par John Mer 12 Fév - 15:06
We can get more children into school and improve their learning
Posted on 11 February 2014 by EFA Report

By Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister of Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, we have reason to be very proud of the progress we have made in education over the past decade. In 1999, just 37% of children were going to primary school. By 2011 this had risen to 87% – one of the fastest increases in the world.

We still have a long way to go, but thanks to this expansion of primary school, the share of our young people who are literate has also increased, from 34% in 2000 to 52% in 2011.

How did we manage all this?

This rapid and equitable expansion of access to free education has been enabled through a sustained government-led effort to reduce poverty and expand the public education system by creating an effective balance between supply-side policies (such as the construction of schools in remote areas) and complementary policies to stimulate demand (e.g. fee abolition and mother tongue instruction).

This has been backed by substantial increases in national education expenditure and aid to the sector, which is doubled between 2000 and 2010, to 25%, as well as improved planning and implementation capacity at all levels.

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