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Scientists should be disabused of their pseudoscientific beliefs about learning Empty Scientists should be disabused of their pseudoscientific beliefs about learning

par ycombe 30/9/2018, 09:48
C'est en anglais, c'est de Greg Ashman et cela concerne les enseignants de sciences.
Greg Ashman a écrit:
When I first met the physics professor, it was explained to him that I was a science teacher. This prompted something of a reaction. As an aside to the real purpose of the meeting, he proceeded to tell me how school science teaching should be improved. He explained, as if he was the first person to ever think of the idea, that students should learn through doing experiments and that they would remember concepts much better if they discovered them for themselves. He related an anecdote of a hands-on lesson he taught to secondary school teachers who visited his lab at the university. I couldn’t be bothered to argue back. We had other matters to address, limited time available and anyway, where do you start with such ignorance? But I think I missed an opportunity.

It can be baffling.
Lire la suite: https://gregashman.wordpress.com/2018/09/30/scientists-should-be-disabused-of-their-pseudoscientific-beliefs-about-learning/

Pour les non anglophones:

Assurbanipal: "Passant, mange, bois, divertis-toi ; tout le reste n’est rien".

Franck Ramus : "Les sciences de l'éducation à la française se font fort de produire un discours savant sur l'éducation, mais ce serait visiblement trop leur demander que de mettre leur discours à l'épreuve des faits".
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