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Collaboration anglais / français Empty Collaboration anglais / français

par stefanskic Mar 2 Mai 2017 - 0:57
Sorry for posting in English - I am getting by on this site with Google Translate.

I work at a US High School (students aged 13-18), and one of my jobs is to help teachers integrate and use technology. I am introducing a tool to our world language teachers that will let their students video record themselves speaking (the app/website is Flipgrid (since I am a new member, I can't post external links - but you can find it in the iTunes and Google Play stores)) in an effort to get more spoken language into their lessons/homework.

Ideally we would like to pair up with a school in France and collaborate, giving the students the opportunity to speak with one another, allowing our students to practice their French with native speakers, and your students to practice their English with native speakers.  The thought would be to pair students up, post a prompt in the native language, and have the non-native speaker respond to the prompt, and the native speakers respond to their partner.  This process would be repeated in both languages (with different prompts or questions).

My school will be purchasing the software and setting everything up.  You would work with me and our French teacher in coming up with the prompts and questions.  Your students would just have to use the app and put in the class code and password, and they will be able to access the prompts.

Our goal would be to form a relationship with the school, and use this as an ongoing project throughout the year.  Our school year is over at the end of June, and we will be starting back up again in September.  
Please let me know if anyone is interested!  We are a small school, and the number of students we have capable of participating in a project like this is small - so we don't need a big class to partner with.
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Collaboration anglais / français Empty Re: Collaboration anglais / français

par southtruck Mar 2 Mai 2017 - 11:33
Hello Stefanskic,
I'm interested by our experiment. Indeed I'm chemistry and physics' teacher, and I have some specific sessions each week in English with my students (15 - 18).
It would be great for my students to exchange in English with others foreign teenagers.
Can you contact me thanks to private message ?
Je viens de m'inscrire !

Collaboration anglais / français Empty Re: Collaboration anglais / français

par stefanskic Mar 2 Mai 2017 - 15:15
Great! Since my account is new, I can't send private messages for 7 days. Can you send me your email through private message and I will reach out to you? I spoke with our French teacher, and she said we have about 20 students who this would be really good for on our side.
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