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Chicago schools filthy with rodents, roaches, garbage — principals say Empty Chicago schools filthy with rodents, roaches, garbage — principals say

par Aevin Lun 15 Sep 2014 - 4:23
Suite à la privatisation des services de nettoyage et maintien, les écoles à Chicago les établissements scolaires à Chicago semblent avoir quelques petits problèmes d'hygiène (qui ne semblait pas être génial avant, mais là ...)

School reformers today, operating under the illusion that the private sector can do just about everything better and cheaper than government institutions, have been working to privatize public education by contracting out to private entities key operations of schools — and often entire schools. Such a move with the custodial force in Chicago Public Schools has, principals say, led to a mess.

vers l'article

Automate - et fier de l'être  Wink

"Well, the travelling teachers do come through every few months," said the Baron.
"Yes, sir, I know sir, and they're useless. They teach facts, not understanding. It's like teaching people about forests by showing them a saw. I want a proper school, sir, to teach reading an writing, and most of all thinking, sir [...]"
Terry Pratchett - I Shall Wear Midnight

... und wer Fehler findet, kann sie behalten!
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