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Grande-Bretagne : suicide d'une ex-institutrice devenue assistante-vétérinaire.  Empty Grande-Bretagne : suicide d'une ex-institutrice devenue assistante-vétérinaire.

par John 07/08/14, 01:36 am
A primary school teacher who was sacked after she was spotted taking cocaine by a parent died after injecting herself with a horse tranquiliser.

Lian Watson had been working as a veterinary nurse and had started using ketamine, which is also used as a horse tranquiliser, since losing her job as a teacher.

Miss Watson was sacked from St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School in Heysham, Lancashire, after admitting that she had used cocaine on a number of occasions, including in a nightclub in front of an off duty police officer and a parent of a child in her class.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2717813/Primary-school-teacher-sacked-spotted-taking-cocaine-parent-died-injecting-horse-tranquiliser-stole-vet.html#ixzz39eoF87om

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