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Université de Melbourne : les enfants des familles homoparentales seraient plus heureux. Empty Université de Melbourne : les enfants des familles homoparentales seraient plus heureux.

par John 09/07/14, 03:56 pm
According to research from the University of Melbourne, children from gay and lesbian families rated far higher for both general health and family cohesion.

The researchers surveyed the same-sex parents of 500 children, and found that they scored an average of 6 percent higher than the general population.

Lead researcher Doctor Simon Crouch said: “It seems that same-sex-parent families and the children in them are getting along well, and this has positive impacts on child health.

He continued: “Previous research has suggested that parenting roles and work roles, and home roles within same-sex parenting families are more equitably distributed when compared to heterosexual families.

“People take on roles that are suited to their skill sets rather than falling into those gender stereotypes, which is mum staying home and looking after the kids and dad going out to earn money.

“What this leads to is a more harmonious family unit and therefore feeding on to better health and wellbeing.


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