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Italie : Antonio La Cava parcourt l'Italie à bord de son Bibliomotocarro pour donner le goût de lire aux enfants. Empty Italie : Antonio La Cava parcourt l'Italie à bord de son Bibliomotocarro pour donner le goût de lire aux enfants.

par John Sam 10 Mai 2014, 23:14
Retired schoolteacher Antonio La Cava from Ferrandina, Italy calls himself “the master of the road” in his little book mobile, a vehicle he created to be a library —complete with a little chimney— on wheels. He has traveled the Italian countryside since 2003, bringing books to children and adults on eight different stops in various villages in the region of Basilicata in the south. He plays an organ to announce that he has arrived, and the children come running to browse through his books.

His mission? To spread the love of reading.”A disinterest in reading often starts in schools where the technique is taught, but it’s not being accompanied by love. Reading should be a pleasure, not a duty,” La Cava said in an interview. He calls his book mobile the “bibliomotocarro.”

La Cava achieved some fame in Italy after being featured on Italian news talk show Ballarò last February. You can watch that brief segment here.

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