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Texas : une enseignante transsexuelle licenciée puis réintégrée dans son établissement. Empty Texas : une enseignante transsexuelle licenciée puis réintégrée dans son établissement.

par John 15/4/2014, 22:15
Earlier this week, 52-year-old transgender substitute teacher Laura Jane Klug was suspended by a Texas school district after one parent complained that her transgender status amounted to an unacceptable classroom distraction. After hearing public arguments in support and against Klug on Thursday, she tells Lone Star Q that she has been instated by the district school board.

"I do feel relieved in the fact that I have been reinstated," Klug told Lone Star Q late last night. "I'm not going to jump in and start subbing tomorrow. I do want to give them some time."

Local news station KBMT reports that Lumberton Independent School District Superintendent John Valastro confirmed Klug's reappointment after a discussion between the substitute teacher and school administrators.

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