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Scientix : le portail européen de l'enseignement scientifique Empty Scientix : le portail européen de l'enseignement scientifique

par John Sam 15 Fév - 13:55
L'Europe a mis en place un portail dédié à la recherche et à l'enseignement scientifiques :

Il y a aussi des contacts nationaux :

Scientix National Contact Points

Scientix National Contact Points (NCPs) provide an important link between the Scientix at a European level, and activities taking place in your country Body: One of the most significant innovations within Scientix is the introduction of National Contact Points (NCPs) in countries across Europe.

The NCPs will provide a link between activities at a European and a national level, by engaging with national communities of STEM professionals, informing about Scientix activities and organising national workshops, webinars and other relevant activities. NCPs will also monitor and analyse national initiatives regarding science education policy and practice, to be published on the Scientix website, providing an overview of the national initiatives in science education taking place across Europe.

Scientix Ambassadors and Deputy Ambassadors

The Scientix Ambassadors and Deputy Ambassadors – members of our Teacher Panel – promote and inform about Scientix to their peers - science and mathematics teachers across Europe.

They present Scientix in schools and national teachers associations, on conferences and workshops, and can advise teachers how to get involved in European collaboration in STEM. They also assist in developing and testing various tools and services of Scientix and ensure the pedagogical quality of the Scientix repository.

If you would like to organise a presentation of Scientix in your school, or as part of an event, you can contact the Scientix Ambassadors and Deputy Ambassadors in your country or region:

List of all Scientix Ambassadors and Deputy Ambassadors until August 2014.

We are currently looking for teachers from Belgium, Estonia, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey to join the Teacher Panel. Read our Call for Teachers for more information.

A second call for teachers to join the Scientix Teachers Panel will be launched around June 2014.

Scientix Teachers Panel workshops

Almost 90 teachers (Ambassadors / Deputy Ambassadors) from 32 countries gathered at the beginning of December in Brussels to kick-start the Scientix Teacher Panel. At the first meeting, organised in two rounds in the first two weekends in December, the teachers got to know each other and learned about the aims and plans of Scientix and their role in it.

The teachers from the panel will be invited to a second workshop in March / April (the Scientix Ambassadors Spring workshops). There will be three Scientix Ambassadors Spring workshops with 30 teachers each. These workshops will be organized in collaboration with other EU funded science education projects or the National Contact Points.

If your project is organizing an event on a weekend during March / April and you would like to host one of these Scientix Ambassadors Spring workshops (with the teachers participating part of your programme as well), please contact the Scientix project manager Dr Àgueda Gras-Velázquez, agueda.gras (at) eun.org.

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