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Pisa aux USA : les adolescents américains "stagnent".  Empty Pisa aux USA : les adolescents américains "stagnent".

par John Sam 07 Déc 2013, 21:51
Extrait :
A reading activity asked test takers to read a short play, and then write about what the characters were doing before the curtain went up. The challenge is that the question prompts students to envision and describe a scene not actually included in the text itself. These are good questions that most of our kids should be able to tackle—we want analytical, creative children, not just kids who are good at memorization.

Yet we shouldn’t be surprised that our 15-year-olds are stagnant on PISA. Our best American exam, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, already shows that the performance of our older teenagers has been flat since 1971, even as our elementary school kids—especially poor kids—have improved. Our kids do OK when they’re young, but then stall in high school, time and time again. This fact is backed by two other big international exams that get less airtime, TIMSS and PIRLS, which show that American fourth- and eighth-graders are improving in math, science, and reading, and are actually above average internationally.

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"Qui a construit Thèbes aux sept portes ? Dans les livres, on donne les noms des Rois. Les Rois ont-ils traîné les blocs de pierre ? [...] Quand la Muraille de Chine fut terminée, Où allèrent ce soir-là les maçons ?" (Brecht)
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Pisa aux USA : les adolescents américains "stagnent".  Empty Re: Pisa aux USA : les adolescents américains "stagnent".

par yphrog Sam 07 Déc 2013, 22:34
you can't ship Jesse off to military school anymore.  professeur 


jail is cheaper. No 
Neoprof expérimenté

Pisa aux USA : les adolescents américains "stagnent".  Empty Re: Pisa aux USA : les adolescents américains "stagnent".

par atrium Dim 08 Déc 2013, 21:32
xphrog a écrit:you can't ship Jesse off to military school anymore.  professeur 


jail is cheaper.  No 
et en plus elles rapportent ces prisons:

Esprit éclairé

Pisa aux USA : les adolescents américains "stagnent".  Empty Re: Pisa aux USA : les adolescents américains "stagnent".

par yphrog Dim 08 Déc 2013, 22:32
Angola is home to scores of old men who cannot get out of bed, let alone commit a crime.

Warden Cain raconte ses bakesales...
Neoprof expérimenté

Pisa aux USA : les adolescents américains "stagnent".  Empty Re: Pisa aux USA : les adolescents américains "stagnent".

par atrium Lun 09 Déc 2013, 11:54
xphrog a écrit:
Angola is home to scores of old men who cannot get out of bed, let alone commit a crime.

Warden Cain raconte ses bakesales...

Le plus grave étant que, effectivement, les personnels d'Angola et les conditions de détention sont très loin d'être les pires des États-Unis. (mais où est le smiley qui vomit?)
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