- JohnMédiateur
USA - Quand Katharina Fried liste "21 raisons pour devenir enseignant", le salaire n'y figure pas...
Les 21 raisons sont là : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/katrina-fried/teacher-job_b_4101468.htmlIn a recent article about happiness at work, Harvard professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter suggests that the happiest among us are those who are solving the toughest problems and "making a difference" in people's lives. If contributing to the betterment of the world is indeed among the keys to happiness, then it's no wonder that the extraordinary teachers featured in "American Teacher: Heroes of the Classroom" [Welcome Books/Random House] express a deep sense of fulfillment and pleasure in the work that they do day in and day out. Against all odds, each of the fifty educators profiled is making a lasting positive impact on his or her students; the kind of impact that recasts futures, changes lives, and might just inspire the rest of us to consider a second career in education. As Ron Poplau, a 52-year public-school veteran who teaches high school community service in Shawnee, Kansas, explains to his students, "the doer of good becomes good." Still need a nudge? Here are 21 excellent reasons to quit your job and become a teacher:
Elles se résument aux quelques mots suivants : la vocation, l'amour, l'épanouissement, la joie, le bonheur, l'exemplarité.
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"Qui a construit Thèbes aux sept portes ? Dans les livres, on donne les noms des Rois. Les Rois ont-ils traîné les blocs de pierre ? [...] Quand la Muraille de Chine fut terminée, Où allèrent ce soir-là les maçons ?" (Brecht)
"La nostalgie, c'est plus ce que c'était" (Simone Signoret)
- OlympiasProphète
Bien sûr, et tant qu'on y est, inutile de nous payer...
- RoninMonarque
Moi je pense qu'on devrait payer pour aller bosser...
- ProvenceEnchanteur
John a écrit:
Elles se résument aux quelques mots suivants : la vocation, l'amour, l'épanouissement, la joie, le bonheur, l'exemplarité.
- je ne puis m'empêcher de penser à...:
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