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L'Angleterre introduit au baccalauréat... les notes chiffrées !  Empty L'Angleterre introduit au baccalauréat... les notes chiffrées !

par John Ven 8 Nov - 0:06
English and maths will be the first subjects affected. [...]

While they come in, pupils in England will have some exams graded with numbers and some with letters, leading teaching unions to warn this will be confusing for pupils, parents and employers. The GCSE changes being announced will apply only to pupils in England.

Scotland has its own exam system, but Wales and Northern Ireland also use GCSEs. Wales is also planning a shake-up, bringing in its own new GCSEs in maths, English and Welsh, which will be taught from the autumn of 2015. [...]

Exams will be graded from 1 to 9, with 9 being the highest. Pupils who fail will be awarded a "U" for an unclassified result. [...] And there will be more marks awarded for spelling, punctuation and grammar. [...] It says in English literature, students will have to "study whole texts in detail, covering a range of literature including Shakespeare, 19th Century novels, Romantic poetry and other high-quality fiction and drama".[...]

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