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Les 25000 candidats aux tests d'entrée à l'université du Libéria... ont tous échoué.  Empty Les 25000 candidats aux tests d'entrée à l'université du Libéria... ont tous échoué.

par John 28/8/2013, 13:25

If you thought the admissions office at Harvard University was ruthless, you should try applying to the University of Liberia some time. Apparently, not one of the estimated 25,000 applicants passed the admissions exam, according to information obtained by The New Dawn Liberia last week, and since confirmed by the BBC.

Both cite sources inside the university who say that not one of the applicants received a passing grade, and prospective students scored particularly poorly in English. The requirements were 50 percent accuracy on the math portion and 70 percent on the English section, according to Front Page Africa.

Amidst rumors of the massive failure, UL quickly announced that it would be adjusting initial benchmark requirements to accept a portion of the applicants. During a recent press conference, Vice President for University Relations Dr. S. Momolu Getaweh announced the school would admit 1,626 undergraduate candidates.

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Les 25000 candidats aux tests d'entrée à l'université du Libéria... ont tous échoué.  Empty Re: Les 25000 candidats aux tests d'entrée à l'université du Libéria... ont tous échoué.

par Luigi_B 28/8/2013, 14:44
Il faut envoyer nos experts en sciences de l'éducation là-bas. Je suis sûr qu'on peut arriver à 25 000 reçus.

LVM Dernier billet : "Une École si distante"
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