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Raoul Volfoni
Raoul Volfoni
Grand sage

Réforme des rythmes scolaires au Royaume-Uni... Empty Réforme des rythmes scolaires au Royaume-Uni...

par Raoul Volfoni Jeu 18 Avr 2013 - 21:15
... un air de déjà vu !

Michael Gove calls for longer school days and shorter holidays

Union accuses him of making up policy 'on the hoof with no real evidence'

Schoolchildren must have shorter holidays and spend more time each day in the classroom so Britain is not disadvantaged in the global economic race, Michael Gove demanded yesterday.

The Education Secretary warned that the current school timetable is out of date and only fit for the agricultural economy of the 19th century – where children had to have long summer holidays to help in the fields.

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