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[Article]Hidden Graves of the Holocaust Empty [Article]Hidden Graves of the Holocaust

par JPhMM 29/8/2012, 12:11

Hidden Graves of the Holocaust

ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2012) — An article in the most recent issue of Journal of Conflict Archaeology' by forensic archaeologist Caroline Sturdy Colls explores the pioneering changes made to the archaeological methodology and techniques used to uncover surviving archaeological remains and landscapes of the Holocaust.

The article discusses a number of case studies, including one conducted by the author on Treblinka extermination camp in Poland which operated between 23 July 1942 and 17 November 1943. During this time over 800,000 Jews were executed at the camp. Remnants of this period in history remain undocumented or ill-defined and it is Colls' aim is to rectify this using non-invasive techniques.

The study was undertaken with the utmost care so as not to disturb or desecrate the surrounding area, in line with Jewish Halacha Law. Geophysical tools were used at the site including ground penetrating radar to send pulses into the earth to document reflections and resistance surveys were used to detect solid structures by passing an electrical current through the ground with probes.

Another case study is that of a smaller site in Alderney in the Channel Islands. The article provides insight into the events of the Holocaust, argues that Holocaust archaeology should be studied as an established sub-discipline within conflict studies, and also highlights the importance of the study of this period in history.

Colls concludes within the article 'Archaeological research has the potential to both complement and supplement existing histories of this period; in some cases it will act to reaffirm historical accounts, in others it will reveal information that cannot be derived from documentary evidence.'

Labyrinthe où l'admiration des ignorants et des idiots qui prennent pour savoir profond tout ce qu'ils n'entendent pas, les a retenus, bon gré malgré qu'ils en eussent. — John Locke

Je crois que je ne crois en rien. Mais j'ai des doutes. — Jacques Goimard
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