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dyslexie - Le discours émouvant du prince Carl-Philip de Suède à propos de la dyslexie Empty Le discours émouvant du prince Carl-Philip de Suède à propos de la dyslexie

par isajan Mer 11 Mar 2015, 22:56

It is no secret that the Swedish Prince Carl Philip suffers from dyslexia, which he was born with just like his older sister Crown Princess Victoria and his father King Carl Gustaf. The learning disorder has had a huge impact on him for his whole life, having brought many personal costs with it. Therefore, Carl Philip wants to see to it that everything that can be done to give young people with dyslexia the best opportunities is done.

Prince Carl Philip’s most recent effort has been to organise a day devoted to dyslexia along with the Swedish Dyslexia Association, the Dyslexia Association FMLS and the Parents Association for Dyslexic Children and National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools (Föräldraföreningen för Dyslektiska barn och Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten) in Stockholm.

The prince initiated the meeting with a very personal speech in which he talked about the importance of facing the disorder up front, not being afraid to talk about it and the consequences coming with it.

“It took me many years to get to this point, but I’m happy that I gathered the courage to talk openly about my dyslexia,” he began his speech, emphasising the importance of breaking down the taboos and then focusing on the struggles of the young people with dyslexia.

“It’s about all the students who fight the jumping letters and digits of their text books everyday. About all the ones who gets laughed at, when they are making mistakes. About the ones who have to fight harder than their classmates to reach the same school results. I know exactly how it feels. I was one of them”, he continued.

Prince Carl Philip used the opportunity to thank the Dyslexia Association FMLS and the Swedish Dyslexia Association and praised their hard work, while reminding everybody about the need to listen to and learn from each other in order to break the negative spiral and stop the bullying going on every day in schools all over Sweden.

“Today, I want us to think about the young boys and girls, who struggle with dyslexia every day in school. It’s their daily life we need to improve. We do this by looking for solutions, not getting caught up in the problem.”

“It will be a big win for the individual, but an even larger gain for society,” he concluded his passionate speech.
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