- JohnMédiateur
http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/10/01/russia-scraps-us-exchange-scheme-after-teen-placed-with-gay-family/?utm_content=buffere2c43&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=bufferThe Russian government announced today that it had pulled the plug on the Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) programme, claiming that the US violated the terms of the arrangement by placing a child with gays.
Many students on the scheme choose not to return to Russia, but the country argues there were no legal grounds for the child to be placed with a gay couple.
Russia’s children’s ombudsman Pavel Astakhov said: “A child, who has a mother in Russia, has illegally been placed under guardianship, and the boy has been handed over to a US gay couple.”
US ambassador to Russia John Tefft said: “We deeply regret this decision by the Russian government to end a program that for 21 years has built deep and strong connections between the people of Russia and the United States.”
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