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OCDE : A quel âge médian les étudiants obtiennent-ils leur licence dans le monde ? De 22 ans (Belgique) à 27 ans (Israël) Empty OCDE : A quel âge médian les étudiants obtiennent-ils leur licence dans le monde ? De 22 ans (Belgique) à 27 ans (Israël)

par John Jeu 29 Mai - 17:57
In all these measures, the differences between countries remain very high. In 2011, the median age of first graduation ranged from around 22 in Belgium and the United Kingdom to over 27 in Iceland and Israel (Figure 2). The variation is partly caused by the significant differences in the numbers of older graduates.
At the 75th percentile the age of first graduation ranges from 23 in Belgium to 35 in Iceland.
In some countries the decrease in the median age of graduation between 2005 and 2011 is very marked. In Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Portugal and Slovenia, the median age fell by more than one year between 2005 and 2011. Despite the general trend, in some countries the median age
of graduation increased, including Austria, Israel, Spain and Turkey.
These variations among countries could be due to structural factors, such as differences in the typical age at which students graduate from upper secondary education, the intake capacity of institutions and their admission procedures, the length of tertiary education programmes, the obligation to do military service, or the opportunity cost of entering the labour market before enrolling in tertiary education. Age differences may also be linked to economic factors, such as the lack of scholarships and flexibility to combine work and study, or the existence of policies to encourage those who have already gained experience in the workplace to enrol in tertiary education and improve or add to their skills


Pour une raison qui m'est inconnue, la France n'est mentionnée que pour un seul fait : le nombre d'étudiants de plus de 30 ans y est très bas (5%) alors qu'il est de 10-11% en moyenne dans les pays de l'OCDE.

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