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Canada : la Trinity Western University inclut la vie sexuelle des étudiants... dans son règlement intérieur. Empty Canada : la Trinity Western University inclut la vie sexuelle des étudiants... dans son règlement intérieur.

par John 13/4/2014, 18:43
The TWU community covenant involves a commitment on the part of all members to embody attitudes and to practise actions identified in the Bible as virtues, and to avoid those portrayed as destructive.

Members of the TWU community, therefore, commit themselves to:
observe modesty, purity and appropriate intimacy in all relationships, reserve sexual expressions of intimacy for marriage, and within marriage take every reasonable step to resolve conflict and avoid divorce.

In keeping with biblical and TWU ideals, community members voluntarily abstain from the following actions:
sexual intimacy that violates the sacredness of marriage between a man and a woman.

Further, according to the Bible, sexual intimacy is reserved for marriage between one man and one woman, and within that marriage bond it is God’s intention that it be enjoyed as a means for marital intimacy and procreation.

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"Qui a construit Thèbes aux sept portes ? Dans les livres, on donne les noms des Rois. Les Rois ont-ils traîné les blocs de pierre ? [...] Quand la Muraille de Chine fut terminée, Où allèrent ce soir-là les maçons ?" (Brecht)
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Canada : la Trinity Western University inclut la vie sexuelle des étudiants... dans son règlement intérieur. Empty Re: Canada : la Trinity Western University inclut la vie sexuelle des étudiants... dans son règlement intérieur.

par Celadon 13/4/2014, 18:46
Si Nanterre avait été aussi inspiré, on n'aurait pas eu mai 68... ! Very Happy 
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