- JohnMédiateur
The government has confirmed it is to introduce a new type of test for four- and five-year-olds at the start of their school career in England – but will allow an elite group of primary schools to opt out of the tests if they are confident of meeting tougher targets in later years.
The Department for Education says it will introduce a new assessment of children's abilities entering reception classes – when most will be four years old – from 2016, designed to give a baseline measure of each child's abilities when they enter formal education.
But schools will be able to skip the new test, assuming they are then able to achieve top results in key-stage two for their year-six pupils at the end of their primary school career, starting from 2023.
The DfE said that the reception "check" would be taken at "the earliest possible point in school", with schools able to choose from a number of approved assessments, which have yet to be announced. It will then be used to measure how much progress pupils have made between the start and end of primary school, with the aim of meeting a progress target to be set.
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