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Royaume-Uni : Un enseignant de religion arrêté suite aux plaintes d'une élève de 11 ans.  Empty Royaume-Uni : Un enseignant de religion arrêté suite aux plaintes d'une élève de 11 ans.

par John 19/3/2014, 12:31
An Islamic teacher who molested a girl as he taught her the Koran has avoided prison after claiming his family was dependent on him because his wife speaks “very little English”.

Suleman Maknojioa, 40, repeatedly rubbed the 11-year-old’s leg and reached underneath her headscarf to touch her chest while giving her and her two brothers private tuition in Arabic.

Maknojioa was said to have “favoured” the girl and believed the touching was “appropriate” to reassure her.

The girl was said to have become frightened of what the tutor would do to her. He was reported to police after the children’s mother overheard her sons, aged 13 and seven, talking about the incidents in the kitchen.

On the day he was arrested, Maknojioa, a father of six, was due to teach 30 children at a mosque near his home in Blackburn, Lancashire.

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