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Vietnam : tortures et sévices sur les enfants d'une crèche.  Empty Vietnam : tortures et sévices sur les enfants d'une crèche.

par John Mer 18 Déc - 22:30
Police are investigating a case in which nursemaids at a preschool in Ho Chi Minh City’s Thu Duc District have been accused of frequently abusing and torturing preschoolers. The various types of tortures used by the nursemaids are: beating, strangling, pressing heads on the ground, holding noses with towels, slapping faces, and even holding the children upside down over a barrel of water and threatening to drop them into it.

Such abuse has taken place for a long time at Phuong Anh Private Preschool, located in Hiep Binh Phuoc Ward, Thu Duc District, without the parents’ knowledge, according to locals who reported the case to police. The school, whose manager is Le Thi Dong Phuong, admits children aged 10 months to 4 years at a fee of VND1-1.2 million per preschooler, depending on their age. [...] Nursemaids as well as Phuong torture the children whenever they refuse to be fed, vomit, or eat and drink slowly.

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Vietnam : tortures et sévices sur les enfants d'une crèche.  Empty Re: Vietnam : tortures et sévices sur les enfants d'une crèche.

par Olympias Mer 18 Déc - 22:36
Neoprof expérimenté

Vietnam : tortures et sévices sur les enfants d'une crèche.  Empty Re: Vietnam : tortures et sévices sur les enfants d'une crèche.

par babette Mer 18 Déc - 22:47
Pauvres enfants!!!  pale 

« Si ton rève se réalise, c'est qu'il n'était pas assez beau."
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