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Russie : les profs LGBT contraints à démissionner. Empty Russie : les profs LGBT contraints à démissionner.

par John 20/9/2013, 21:03
Russie : deux exemples d'enseignants forcés à quitter l'enseignement en raison de leur homosexualité et des lois anti-gays dans le pays.

Olga Bakhayeva, 24, who taught history and social studies in the city of Magnitogorsk, told the Russian internet magazine Colta.rut that she was forced to resign after three months of homophobic harassment from authorities and law enforcement agencies.

Ms Bakhayeva said that she began receiving threats after she commented on the page of a pro-LGBT group on Russian social networking site Vkontakte.

Ms Bakhayeva was summoned before the local Department of Education, after they received reports of a lesbian working at the school, even though “there had never been any trouble with parents [of pupils]” [...]

After further complaints from residents of Magnitogorsk that their children were being subjected to “gay propaganda”, and then being told to work as a cleaner for the school, Ms Bakhayeva felt she had no choice but to resign from her post, adding that she “will not work in a school again.”

She revealed that anti-gay groups have continued to abuse her online since her resignation, and that she may have to leave Magnitogorsk in order to find work. [...]

Coltra.ru also reported the case of Alexander Yermoshkin, a 38-year-old former geography teacher from Khabarovsk, who says the headteacher at his school ordered a colleague to take over his classes after anti-gay fascist and religious groups started a petition calling for him to be sacked.

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