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Californie : l'enseignant est viré de l'école catholique pour avoir épousé son compagnon. Empty Californie : l'enseignant est viré de l'école catholique pour avoir épousé son compagnon.

par John 2/8/2013, 01:36

Extraits :

A California Catholic all-girls high school has fired a gay man after 17 years of service, because he married his same-sex partner. Ken Bencomo, 45, and Christopher Persky, 32, were among the very first same-sex couples to be married earlier this month after the Supreme Court effectively killed Prop 8. They were included in a local news article which depicted them getting married at the San Bernardino County Assessor-Recorder’s Office.

St. Lucy’s subsequently issued a statement saying the school “is a community for those who wish to express Christian values in education and develop personal and academic excellence.”

John Andrews, a spokesman for the Diocese of San Bernardino, said its Catholic schools do not discriminate based on lifestyle choices but “if a teacher or school employee makes a public display of behavior that is counter to church teaching — such as homosexuality, sex outside of marriage, having a child outside of marriage — that can impact their employment status.”

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