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Application android : Agenda Empty Application android : Agenda

par Matheod Jeu 9 Mai 2019 - 19:35

J'aimerais savoir quelle application utilisez vous sur android comme agenda (si vous en utilisez une).

En avez-vous testé plusieurs ? Qu'est-ce qui vous a fait préférer l'une à l'autre ? Avantages/Inconvénients ?

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Application android : Agenda Empty Re: Application android : Agenda

par freche Jeu 9 Mai 2019 - 20:11
J'utilise Agenda couplé à mon compte google, lui-même couplé à pronote. Du coup, j'ai mon edt pronote mis à jour sur mon agenda, c'est très pratique.
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Application android : Agenda Empty Re: Application android : Agenda

par Matheod Lun 3 Juin 2019 - 21:45

Du coup j'ai testé pas mal d'app et voici un compte rendu (en anglais puisque je l'ai partagé sur internet, sorry d'avance aux profs d'anglais pour les fautes Very Happy) :


So I needed an agenda app for my work but couldn’t know which one to choose. So i finally got time to test lots of them and to find the best of them and I decided to share my conclusion with you. Please note that I only tested free app. I ranked app below from best to less best app.

Agenda Business (Business Calendar 2)

The best calendar app. It’s not the best looking calendar app but it’s still pretty enough. It have a lots of vue (year, month, week, X day, day, agenda) and the UI is practical with a lots of good idea (when you add an event, you can swipe left to show other event and drag start/end time, when your in day view and an event is out of view you have a little arrow telling you there is an event, a slider to choose the number of day to show, etc.). A nice thing is that it also show note/description of event which most other app doesn’t do. You also have a button to fill new event vocally, and the apps also support checklist very well ! You can have notification reminder with the ability to report it by the time of your choice, and you can also show a permanent notification showing you future event even though the notification is ugly (you might be interested with calendar notify) and seems bugged with tasks. Of course, it also offer multiples widget.The apps randomly show ads at the bottom but you can buy the pro version for €4,95 (one time payment) to remove ads and unlock some functionality (weather, subtask, drag and drop, import/export calendar, etc.).

Google Agenda

Free and without ads, the apps is very pretty. It have multiples view (agenda, day,3 day, week, moth). The UI is pratical and show well when two event are at the same time. One down side is that it only have two widget (month and agenda). The app also support reminder (nothing incredible about them). The app name after installation is Agenda and not Google Agenda.


The app is very nice looking and offer lots of view (agenda, day, week, week agenda, month, month text, years). The week agenda view is very usefull and not proposed in previous listed app ! An other nice thing offered in this app and not in other is the ability to view event location on google map, so if you travel a lot in unknow idea you might want to prefer this app. The app also offer multiple widgets.The free version of the apps have ads hence the reason I put it after Google Agenda, but you can buy premium for €4,99 to remove them and unlock more functionnality (like the month view widget). One downside of the app is that it doesn’t support checklist. The app also offer advanced weather for €1,50 per year.


The UI is a little strange. It’s a little pretty, but some part are a little strange. Like other app, it offer multiple view (day, week, month, year, agenda). One very smart thing this app offer that other app doesn’t is what they call “panorama”. On day view, you have at the bottom right a little view of your week so you can quickly see when you are busy this week. At first I was confused because the view was empty and clicking on it would show an empty month view but it was because per default, the panorama doesn’t show event on week end (but the month view still doesn’t show event). The app also offer checklist which I though was bugged but I think it’s because it’s a premium functionnality (altough the error message when trying to configure task doesn’t say anything about premium). Lots of widget are also offered by this app which is a good point. The app show ads less than one time a day in the form of a popup that you can immediatly close. You can buy premium for €4,99 which removed ads and unlock functionnality, but you can also unlock specific functionnality at a low price if you doesn’t want to unlock everything (ads removal is only €0,99) which is a nice thing for low budger ! So even if my first impression was confused (with panorama view and task), after going deeper the app offer some nice thing so it might interest some user and spening more time on it might be a good idea;


Etar is a free and opensource app. It’s pretty and have multiple view (day, week, month, agenda) but have no widget. One anoying thing is that the view start at 0h so you have to scroll down to see event of the day (but it will remind position as long you don’t close the app). An other issue is that it doesn’t show event title if you have to event at the same time. But it’s free and opensource so it might interest you.

Simple calendar

This is a very classical app which is also free and open source. The app is not ugly but choice color are very strange. It offer multiple view (day, week, month, agenda) and also offer widget. It might also be a solution for you if you want open source app and need widget (carefull, the app name after installation is Calendar and not Simple Calendar).

Mi calendar

This app is not avaible on the playstore but is offered on xiaomi phone. It’s is very pretty (even tough it lack a litle of color), offer widget and is pratical exept for one thing which is the reason I put it so low on the list : to select an hour, you have to scroll up the the number you want which make you loose a lots of time. It’s very inconveniant to use, I don’t know why they keep putting this sort of UI (their alarm app also have the same issue). Without this issue this could be a very nice app.

Bonus :

Calendar Notify

This app isn’t a calendar app but can be a good addition to your favorite calendar app. It allow you to add a very nice looking persistant notification telling you about your future event. It work with any calendar app that support android calendar. It also offer widget. You can buy premium for €3,79 which unlock multiple options. One very sad things is that it doesn’t support checklist from business calendar.


A very nice looking app. I don’t consider it as a calendar app because it’s only offer a agenda view. I found a way to show a month view but it doesn’t show event directly on it, i don’t know if it’s bugged. Strangly, there is widget that offer a month view while also showing event (with dot icon), so this app might be for you if you prefer to use widget over app. The app offer premium but it’s a very costly subscription (€1,99 per month).

We Note

Not a calendar app but you might be interested so check it out if you have time. You can unlock some functionnality but it’s costly (€5,49 per functionnality or €15,99 for all).


You can use notion as a calendar app, but you can also use it for a lots of other things. This app allow you to create page which can contain multiple thing including calendar. And you can create create custom field for your calendar and link it to other data of the app. It’s very complete and you can do a lots of thing if you know how to exploit it’s potential. Sadly there is currently no widget and it’s a litle annoying to choose time when you add something in calendar.
Niveau 3

Application android : Agenda Empty Re: Application android : Agenda

par zbuzz Mar 4 Juin 2019 - 10:46
J'utilise OneCalendar, qui synchronise beaucoup de formats (je ne sais pas si c'est exhaustif, mais les principaux sont supportés), synchronisé d'une part avec framagenda pour le perso, et l'EDT et agenda de Pronote.
Application gratuite et sans pub, elle propose aussi un widget.
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