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The benefits of exploring stoicism in school, par Joe Kirby Empty The benefits of exploring stoicism in school, par Joe Kirby

par ycombe Mar 09 Mai 2017, 21:12

Some two thousand years ago, a teacher, a playwright and an emperor asked:

What is the best way to live?

How can we deal with the difficult situations we face?

What does it take to improve our minds?

Their answers are the heart of Stoic philosophy. We in schools can use their insights on the mind, on adversity and on practice to help our pupils shape their thought patterns.

The benefits of exploring stoicism in school, par Joe Kirby Stoics

Here is a rough overview of what we teach our pupils about staying stoical at Michaela
Lire la suite: https://pragmaticreform.wordpress.com/2017/04/29/staying-stoical-in-school/

Pour les non anglophone: l'usage du stoïcisme comme moyen d'éducation à Michaela Community school, fascinante école anglaise dont nous avons déjà parlé ici.

Assurbanipal: "Passant, mange, bois, divertis-toi ; tout le reste n’est rien".

Franck Ramus : "Les sciences de l'éducation à la française se font fort de produire un discours savant sur l'éducation, mais ce serait visiblement trop leur demander que de mettre leur discours à l'épreuve des faits".
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