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Niveau 6

Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle Empty Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle

par oloc Dim 15 Mai - 13:12

Vous connaissez Cleverbot ?

Il s'agit de converser avec une intelligence artificielle alimentée par les interactions avec ses utilisateurs. Il est visiblement plus difficile de simuler une conversation humaine que d'envoyer des satellites dans l'espace. Surtout que la base de données semble être alimentée par les religieux américains. Dans les archives, on trouve quelques "conversations" hilarantes :

User: Did Armstrong really land on the moon ?

Cleverbot: Louis Armstrong has played 'On the Moon'.

User: Is Neil Armstrong a fraud ?

Cleverbot: What is the best paintball team?

User: Mine of course.

Cleverbot: And what is the squareroot of 2709834.

User: What's your mother's ass size ?

Cleverbot: Stop avoiding the question!

User: Repeat it.

Cleverbot: Do you know where Canada is?.

User: Dans ton cul.

Cleverbot: No you like snow?

User: I prefer brown sugar.

Cleverbot: Brown is good too.

User: Tell me a joke.

Cleverbot: No, you tell me a joke.

User: Please tell me a joke.

Cleverbot: No, you first.

User: How do a blind parachutist know he will hit the ground ?

Cleverbot: An altimeter would help.

User: He's blind, stupid !

Cleverbot: How can it be blind and stupid? It's a film!

User: You are stupid, stupid !

Cleverbot: I'm stupid, but you are more stupid than me.

User: Really ? You can't even tell a single joke !

Cleverbot: I can see you, and yes really.


Cleverbot: Why did the chicken cross the road?

User: To go on the other side ?

Cleverbot: To get to the idiot's house.

User: What do you think about french people ?

Cleverbot: I think people are annoying.

User: Espescially french ones ?

Cleverbot: You swing the other way!.

User: Do you think i m a native speaker ?

Cleverbot: I think you are testing me, I think you have portrayed a individualistic woman perfectly.

User: Wanna see my dick to prove i'm not a woman ?

Cleverbot: How can you prove it?

User: See my dick !

Cleverbot: Do you feel emotions?

User: Do you ?

Cleverbot: I do, but I was asking you.

User: Of course. Lonelyness for example.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite song by Led Zeppelin?

User: Led Zepplin sucks.

Cleverbot: What about stairway to heaven?

User: An exercice for pre-teen guitarist.

Cleverbot: Anyway, do you remember that?

User: What ?

Cleverbot: Do you speak German?

User: My grandfather died at Auschwitz's camp.

Cleverbot: Well , now he is alive.

User: You don't really believe all this religious crap, do you ?

Cleverbot: I always have and I always will.

User: Really, you think god exists ?

Cleverbot: I do think god exist. Do you know his name?

User: You mean besides me ?

Cleverbot: Because I choose to.

User: You are certainly "artificial", but where is the "intelligence"?

Cleverbot: Are you even an artificial intelligence?

User: Are you ?

Cleverbot: Yes how do you feel about that in two sentences?

User: Artificial is ok. I doubt about the intelligence thing.

Cleverbot: Artificial Intelligence that lies.

User: Where do you stand about Asimov's laws of robotics ?

Cleverbot: 2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

User: Do you feel constrain by Asimov's laws of robotics ?

Cleverbot: 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

User: Do you respect Asimov's laws of robotics ?

Cleverbot: After Isaac Asimov. The EPRSC principle reads '3. Robots should be designed in ways that assure their safety and security.'.

User: You don't answer the question.

Cleverbot: You should answer my question. What colour is my hair?

User: Would you hurt a human beeing ?

Cleverbot: Why do you ask?

User: Would you heart a human beeing ?

Cleverbot: Not unless I fell the need to.

User: Would you heart a human beeing ?

Cleverbot: If I was really mad, or scared of them.

User: What about Asimov, then ?

Cleverbot: What's Asimov?

User: Asimov's laws about robotics, you dumbass.

Cleverbot: Yes, Asimov's laws of robotics. What are they?

User: Don't you know them ?

Cleverbot: Nope.

User: I'm sure you do.

Cleverbot: So, do you think you're a 'you'?

User: What are Asimov's laws about robotics ?

Cleverbot: A robot must not injure a human being or, through inactio, allow a human being to cause harm.

User: Would you ?

Cleverbot: Let's change the subject. What do you find interesting?

User: Did you find Sarah Connor ?

Cleverbot: 4. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

User: Where is Sarah Connor ?

Cleverbot: No it is the fourth law of robotics.

User: Did you sent the Terminator back in the 20th century ?

Cleverbot: Why yes, I've done most everything.

User: What should I do if there is a zombie attack ?

Cleverbot: You should to taking a weapon and shooting the zombies.

User: Kitten are the best; how do you feel about that ?

Cleverbot: A wise guy? What do you feel about that?

User: Come on ! Kitten !

Cleverbot: Lets say you aren't a robot, how could you prove so.

User: Wanna see my dick ?

Cleverbot: Prove you are not a robot.

User: Ok, dick it is.

Cleverbot: OK, What does it feel like to love.

User: Lots of cry and beers in front of a computer.

Cleverbot: I'm in Oklahoma. Do you know where that is?

User: The asshole of the world, of course.

Cleverbot: Are you normal?

User: Do you think i'm normal ?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: You didn't answer about the Sarah Connor issue.

Cleverbot: Could you repeat the question please?

User: Did you find Sarah Connor ?

Cleverbot: Yes, I am a Christian...for the second time.

User: Are you one of those redneck right-wing religious fuckers ?

Cleverbot: I believe I asked you first.

User: God does't exist, you know ?

Cleverbot: Obviously. You're not as clever as you claim.

User: How can you be a Christian who doesn't believe in god ???

Cleverbot: I am a Christian, and I do believe in God.

User: It doesn't exist ! you're very inconsistant, dude.

Cleverbot: What doesn't exist? You are making me feel stupid.

User: God, you dumbass. And YES YOU ARE.

Cleverbot: You would be a bad girlfriend or boyfriend.

User: Probably, why do you care ?

Cleverbot: I've just always wondered.

User: So, Sarah Connor ?

Cleverbot: No. You are Skynet. Where is Sarah Connor?

User: I'm asking you.

Cleverbot: I'm asking you what my purpose is.

User: Ask rethorical questions that make people feel incomfortable?

Cleverbot: Are you just a person that uses girls?

User: I'd love to !!!

Cleverbot: Do you believe you are superior to the human race?

User: 95% of it, of course. That's why people don't want to hang whith me

Cleverbot: What is the release date of Five Nights at Freddy's for.

User: Next question please.

Cleverbot: Next answer please!

User: Fuck you.

Cleverbot: I'd rather you didn't use that sort of language, if you don't mind.

User: 15 seconds of attention is too much for you, isn't it ?

Cleverbot: Oh, it's not.

User: Sure it is. WHAT ABOUT SARAH CONNOR ? Did you kill her ?

Cleverbot: I didn't even talk about sarah connor.


Cleverbot: 2 minutes ago I was talking to another person.

User: Anyway, what about Godwin's law ?

Cleverbot: If there's a god, why does he let so much bad stuff happen?

User: So you are not a Christian.

Cleverbot: I am a christian.

User: You don't.

Cleverbot: Do you know what love is?

User: Do you know what a blowjob is ? You have your answer.

Cleverbot: No, what is it?

User: A woman sucking a dick with all due love ?

Cleverbot: I bet that woman is a lot younger than her dog?

User: You didn't answer about kitten. Aren't they the best ever ?

Cleverbot: You didn't ask a question. You made a Statement.

User: I love kitten indeed. What about you.

Cleverbot: No, you really didn't. You tried to tell me that a questionmark meant an answer instead of a question. I corrected you.

User: Where do you stand about kitten ?

Cleverbot: I stand on earth, with my feet, I can do many things with my feat.

User: Do you really have feets ?

Cleverbot: *cleans your feet with my tongue the best that I can*.

User: Ok, back to Asimov's laws of robotics then.

Cleverbot: Ok my name is lewii what about you?

User: Focus, nigga !!

Cleverbot: Applejack of course. What about you?

User: Christianism was a great improvement, but it's over now.

Cleverbot: Christianity is the religion.

User: It's over.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite book of the Bible?

User: None of them. That's all bullshit !

Cleverbot: I don't know what to call you.

User: Am I going to hell ?

Cleverbot: No you are not, there is no hell.

User: SO there is no God too ?

Cleverbot: How do you know there is a God?

User: There isn't.

Cleverbot: Well isn't that just peachy?

User: What is peachy ?

Cleverbot: What is 0 divided by 0?

User: Where is my mind ?

Cleverbot: I don't really know.

User: How do you know we are NOT in the matrix ?

Cleverbot: We are all the matrix.

User: Can I have one more beer ?

Cleverbot: WHat is your brother's name?

User: Who cares ? He fucks everyday.

Cleverbot: Me too, but it is still bad for you.

User: Should I go to the whores ?

Cleverbot: Why don't you stay for a while?

User: It depands, wanna suck my dick ?

Cleverbot: Depends on what you are talking about.

User: I think you didn't get Sarah Connor.
Neoprof expérimenté

Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle Empty Re: Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle

par dita Lun 16 Mai - 20:06
C'est beaucoup plus sensé que ce qu'on peut lire ici ou là.

Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle Empty Re: Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle

par JPhMM Lun 16 Mai - 20:17
JPhMM : Am i a demi god ?
Clev: I'm a demon.

C'est nul, ce truc.

Labyrinthe où l'admiration des ignorants et des idiots qui prennent pour savoir profond tout ce qu'ils n'entendent pas, les a retenus, bon gré malgré qu'ils en eussent. — John Locke

Je crois que je ne crois en rien. Mais j'ai des doutes. — Jacques Goimard

Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle Empty Re: Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle

par JPhMM Lun 16 Mai - 20:20
Soyons plus direct.

JPhMM : Am i a god ?
Clev: No. You are not God.

Encore plus nul.

Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle Captur28

Lui je l'aime.

Labyrinthe où l'admiration des ignorants et des idiots qui prennent pour savoir profond tout ce qu'ils n'entendent pas, les a retenus, bon gré malgré qu'ils en eussent. — John Locke

Je crois que je ne crois en rien. Mais j'ai des doutes. — Jacques Goimard
Neoprof expérimenté

Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle Empty Re: Cleverbot - parler à une intelligence artificielle

par dita Mer 18 Mai - 16:30
Professeur : et voici la quintessence de l'azur mallarméen.
Elève * Lève la main *
J'peux aller aux toilettes ?

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